Ijen Tour & Blue Fire From Malang Finish Ferry Port Bali
Kawah Ijen Tour & Blue Fire From Malang Finish Ferry Port Bali , Ijen Crater Tour starting Malang Drop Off Bali Gilimanuk Harbour, malam Ijen tour 2D
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2 Days Ijen Tour + Blue Fire From Malang Drop Off Gilimanuk Harbour | Ijen Tour from Malang
Traveling to the Ijen crater doesn't just start from Banyuwangi, you can do an overland tour .And the Mount Ijen tour at midnight to explore the blue fire starts or departs from malang and ends at Gilimanuk port Bali for 2 days 1 night for the duration.And this tour ends at Gilimanuk port, Bali and from Gilimanuk port you cannot visit other places and if you need transportation to other places in Bali, you can See Bali transportation prices for one way
price list Ijen Blue flame Tour from Malang Drop Off Gilimanuk Harbour
Package Type A Code (IJNSBY1)
1 Person IDR 2.815.000
2 Persons IDR 1.515.000/Person
3 Persons IDR 1.055.000/ Person
4 Persons IDR 985.000/Person
5 Persons IDR 865.000/Person
6 Persons IDR 775.000/Person
7 Person IDR 695.000/Person
8 Person IDR 655.000/Person
9 Person IDR 615.000/Person
10 Persons IDR 595.000/ Person
11 Persons More IDR 555.000/Person
Facilities Included
Private transportation Full AC and fuel
Tourist entrance ticket
Ijen Gas Mask
English Speaking Guide
Mineral water
Toll Fees
Parking fee
Ferry tiket
Not included
Personal expenses
Travel Insurance
Tips for guide and driver
Price for the complete Economy package B code {IJNSBY2 A}
1 Person IDR 3.155.000
2 Persons IDR 1.635.000/Person
3 Persons IDR 1.155.000/ Person
4 Persons IDR 1.255.000/Person
5 Persons IDR 1055.000/Person
6 Persons IDR 965.000/Person
7 Person IDR 895.000/Person
8 Person IDR 865.000/Person
9 Person IDR 785.000/Person
10 Persons IDR 695.000/ Person
11 Persons More IDR 655.000/Person
Private transportation Full AC and fuel
Tourist entrance ticket
Ijen Gas Mask
English Speaking Guide
Mineral water
Toll Fees
Parking fee
Ferry tiket
1 night stay at Banyu Homestay, Kampoeng Joglo, Salsabila sweet house And its kind
Not included
Personal expenses
Travel Insurance
Tips for guide and driver
Things not mentioned in the package
Note: there is an additional fee for Indonesian national holidays and weekends of IDR 50,000/person
Day 1 Pick up from malang to accommodation near Ijen Banyuwangi or Bondowoso
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Our driver will pick you up from a location in Malang area and then take you to accommodation in Banyuwangi or Bondowoso And it takes approximately 5 to 6 hours to travel from Surabaya to the accommodation via the toll road.
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Arrive at the inn, then check in at the inn and free program
Day 2: Exploring the blue flames of Ijen. Drive to the port of Ketapang, Banyuwangi | Ijen Volcano tour Start malang
At 00:00 pick up from the accommodation drive to Paltuding For -+ 1 hour driving
At 1:00 AM Arrive at Paltuding. Next, wait for the tourist entry ticket. Open while drinking coffee or tea at a shop around Paltuding
At 2:00 AM Exploration of Mount Ijen
At 6:00 AM Back to paltuding (optional Drive to Jagir waterfall and Kalibondo coffee plantation )
At 9:00 AM arrive at the inn for breakfast and shower ( Valid for those staying at the Banyuwangi Hotel only)
At 11:00 AM Check out from the accommodation and drive to Ketapang Banyuwangi port
At 12:00 PM Arrive at Ketapang port then cross to Bali for -+ 1 hour And the tour is over
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