ijen Crater Tour From Pemuteran Bali | Ijen Midnight Tour
Ijen Crater Tour from Pemuteran Bali,Ijen Midnight Tour starting Pemuteran Bali,Ijen Blue Fire tour from bali Pemuteran,Ijen Volcano Tour from Bali
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Mount ijen Crater Tour Starting From Pemuteran Bali 24 Hours ||
Ijen blue fire Midnight Tour meeting points Pemuteran . Ijen volcano tour starting pemuteran (1day )
climb to Ijen Volcano in Banyuwangi, East Java. With only 24 hours you can enjoy the beauty of the Ijen Crater Mountains from neighboring islands, namely the island of Bali such as Pemuteran or the closest places to Pemuteran Bali.
Itinerary : Ijen Tour Meeting Point Bali Pemuteran 24 hours.
- at 9:00 pm Pick up from Pemuteran using a Full AC Car to Gilimanuk Less Leih Harbor about 2 Hours Drive.
- at 11:00 pm Arrive at Gilimanuk port then cross using Ferry.
- At 11:00 -00:00 Crossing by Ferry from Bali to Java.
- At 00:00 midnight Arrive at the port of Ketapang Banyuwangi.
- At 00:00-1:00 AM Drive From Ketapang to Paltuding ijen about 1 hour drive.
- At 1:00 am Arriving at the main gate of Paltuding climbing then climbing to the outskirts for about 1 hour 30 minutes as far as 3KM.
- at 2:30 am Arrived above the edge of Ijen access to the next crater Down to the bottom About 30 minutes.
Ijen Blue fire Tour || Miner activity || Moun ijen Tour Depature From Pemuteran ||
- At 3:00 am Arrived at the Blue Fire area of Ijen and could see the Blue fire from here up close.
- At 3:00 - 4:00 in the morning activities Enjoy the Blue fire of Ijen and the activities of the local miners of Ijen and Ijen Acid Lake.
- At 4:00 - 4:30 back up and walk to the top of Ijen Peak to see the sunrise ( weather permitting )
- At 4:50 am Arrived at the top of Mount Ijen.
Ijen sunrise from the top.
- at 5:00 Enjoy the beauty of nature and the crater and Ijen acid lake from the top of the Peak.
- At 6:30 am back to paltuding.
- At 8:00 am Arrive at Paltuding and then proceed to coffee plantations and Jagir twin waterfalls as a bonus for this tour. (optional and can be skipped)
- And the Ijen Crater tour from Pemuteran Bali finishes and we can take you to a place in Banyuwangi such as the port, train station, or bus terminal and back again at a Bali additional cost.
Included :
Transport Pick Up From Bali 1 way To Gilimanuk Harbor.
Transport For ijen Go and Back.
Ferry Tickets.
Mineral water
Gas Mask
English Speaking Guide
fuel or gasoline
Entrance ticket to Ijen Crater
parking fee
Excluded :
personal expenses
tips for driver and guide
travel insurance
Return Transportation to Bali
Things Not Included In The Tour Program.
1 Person IDR 1.465.000
2 Person IDR 865.000/pax
3 Person IDR 825.000/pax
4 Person IDR 775.000/pax
5 Person IDR 725.000/pax
6 Person IDR 715.000/pax
7 Person IDR 705.000/pax
8 Person IDR 695.000/pax
9 Person IDR 655.000/Pax
10 Person IDR 625.000/pax
11 Person More 615.000/pax
To Negotiate and Information on discounts
And for more information, please chat with our admin.
what to bring during the Program Tour? Mount ijen Crater Tour Starting From Pemuteran Bali 2023 ??
The jacket is thick because the temperature in the Ijen crater is about 8 degrees.
Raincoat to avoid the cold wind that comes when climbing.
non-slip shoes For climbing.
Small bag To carry something needed while touring.
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